Chlorella: A Natural Alternative to Cholestyramine
Last winter, I began taking Cholestyramine. Initially, promising results manifested, clearing up my daily dreaded evening brain fog. As time went on, though, I came to equally dread taking it along with the two hours after doing so, because it put me in an incredible about of pain. The LLMD who prescribed it to me said, “your body will get used to it.” So, I pushed on, convinced I was being strong and braving the pain in order to heal. On the contrary, though, my health suddenly started to rapidly decline and I became much sicker. Looking back on the situation dumbfounds me. It turned out I had Mycoplasma -a “negative” test result score is anything under 100, my score was 1,416. To top it off, guess what Mycoplasma devours? Cholesterol.
Guess what Cholestyramine does? It lowers cholesterol, as it was initially created for individuals with high cholesterol. Once again, I was saved by Buhner, who provided me with this information in his latest book on Mycoplasma and Bartonella. In the book, he firmly states that taking cholesterol lowering drugs when you have Mycoplasma is contraindicated and never advised.
Having a gene mutation where I cannot detox properly put me in a bind. Cholestyramine seemed to be my golden ticket for ridding my body of biotoxin buildup, but while it may have ridded me of toxins, it also progressed my Mycoplasma infection as well. Still, I desperately needed a solution for my detox problem, and searched endlessly for an alternative. Turns out, chlorella not only works just as well as Cholestyramine , it has a wealth of other benefits too. Not to mention, it is great for Mycoplasma. While many have had success with Cholestyramine , others have expressed how horribly sick it made them. So, I thought I would post this in the event that you A) have Mycoplasma (you can get a reliable blood test for it from Labcorp), or B) you simply want a natural alternative to Cholestyramine. The added bonus, of course, is that chlorella has an incredible amount of other health benefits as well. Some of which I compiled below:
Personal experience and research has proven Chlorella to be one of the most important life sustaining and healing agents available to us, as it contains a higher content of chlorophyll than any other food source. Chlorophyll is the naturally occurring molecule in plants responsible for giving them their green color and for making photosynthesis, and therefore life, possible. Photosynthesis converts water, carbon dioxide and energy from the sun into glucose, which is our number one source of fuel in life. Literally all life forms–animals, plants, and humans alike- gain their life sustaining energy from photosynthesis, a process virtually impossible without the existence of chlorophyll, making chlorophyll absolutely essential to our health. Its ability to detoxify the blood, bowels and liver is unparalleled.
Chlorella is considered to be a first class detoxifying agent capable of removing alcohol from the liver, as well as clearing HEAVY METALS, certain pesticides, herbicides, and polychlorbiphenyls (PCBs) from body tissue. In Japan, interest in chlorella has focused largely on this super food’s ability to remove or neutralize poisonous substances in the body from environmental pollution and/or ingestion of contaminated foods. Researches in Japan discovered that chlorella helps DETOX URANIUM and LEAD from the body.
The breakdown of RNA and DNA in the cells is believed to be a major factor in degenerative diseases such as Lyme disease and Lyme co-infections. Chlorella’s abundant RNA content along with its powerful abilities to detoxify the blood and liver, heal and rejuvenate tissues, multiply the growth of beneficial bacteria in the bowels, boost the immune system, fight free-radical damage, and rebuild nerve tissue damage throughout the body makes it an excellent candidate for treating degenerative brain and nerve disorders such as neurological Lyme disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.Thanks to the high amounts of chlorophyll it contains, chlorella also supports the optimum functioning and cleaning of the liver, which is extremely important when treating Lyme and Lyme co-infections. Also, it effectively absorbs toxins from the liver.
Dosing recommendations vary, depending on the source. Many suggest taking 1/4 cups daily to counteract long-term deficits from chronic disease. However, I am a firm believer that the body decides the proper dosage for each of us, not the label on the body. Personally, I find 1 tablespoon of powdered chlorella mixed with water to be sufficient at the moment. I intend to up my dosage to 1 tablespoon three times a day (my system is sensitive, so I try to be gentle with it). Using a food grade source such as this, rather than supplements, allows your system to absorb more of it. Ordering it in bulk powder form and then placing it in a green smoothie or mixing it with water is not only more beneficial, but is much cheaper than continually purchasing capsules.
** I prefer ordering a pound of the bulk powder form of chlorella from 1st Chinese Herbs, which has proven to be one of the most trustworthy and reliable herb sources for me. You can find it here.